
Our vision at The Growing Experience Urban Farm is to cultivate a thriving, sustainable healthy community that is deeply integrated with the principles of environmental sustainability, innovation, community engagement, and prioritizing the economy of well-being over profit. We are committed to expanding our impact by nurturing community-based nonprofits and fostering social enterprises, with the goal of activating residents to connect with one another and learn how to become diligent stewards of the Earth. Central to our sustainability ethos is empowerment through education; we believe that the cornerstone of true sustainability lies in developing a profound awareness of ourselves, our environment, and our community.

We envision a future where our community is not just healthy in the physical sense, but also empowered, interconnected, and sustained by a supportive network of organizations, businesses, city, and state leaders. In this future, every individual is recognized as a vital contributor to our collective well-being, with access to the knowledge and resources needed to live sustainably and harmoniously with our planet. By laying down the foundations of environmental stewardship, innovative agricultural practices, and community-led initiatives, we aim to create a model of living that can inspire and be replicated across the globe, fostering a world where people are empowered to make positive changes for their health, their communities, and the environment.


5 Year Strategic Plan:

Year 1: Foundation and Partnership Building

  • Objective 1: Strengthen the organizational foundation.

    • Develop a comprehensive operational plan, including staffing, budgeting, and resource management.

    • Establish a robust evaluation system to measure impact and progress.

  • Objective 2: Forge strategic partnerships.

    • Identify and partner with local nonprofits, educational institutions, and social enterprises.

    • Collaborate with city and state leaders to align efforts and secure support.

Year 2: Community Engagement and Program Development

  • Objective 1: Expand community outreach.

    • Launch awareness campaigns to educate the community about sustainability and healthy living.

    • Organize workshops and events to foster community engagement and participation.

  • Objective 2: Develop and implement programs.

    • Start community-based programs focused on environmental education, sustainable agriculture, and health and wellness.

    • Introduce initiatives to support and incubate local social enterprises.

Year 3: Infrastructure Expansion and Innovation

  • Objective 1: Enhance physical and digital infrastructure.

    • Invest in sustainable agricultural practices and technologies.

    • Develop an online platform for education, community interaction, and sharing of resources.

  • Objective 2: Innovate and diversify programs.

    • Pilot innovative solutions to address community-specific challenges.

    • Expand program offerings based on feedback and identified needs.

Year 4: Impact Scaling and Sustainability

  • Objective 1: Scale impact through replication and partnerships.

    • Document models and best practices for replication in other communities.

    • Strengthen and expand partnerships at the local, national, and international levels.

  • Objective 2: Ensure financial sustainability.

    • Diversify funding sources through grants, partnerships, and revenue-generating social enterprises.

    • Implement a sustainability plan that includes environmental, economic, and social pillars.

Year 5: Leadership and Global Influence

  • Objective 1: Establish leadership in sustainable community development.

    • Share successes and learnings through conferences, publications, and a strong online presence.

    • Engage in policy advocacy to promote sustainable development and social enterprise support.

  • Objective 2: Influence and inspire global adoption.

    • Support other communities and organizations in adopting the model.

    • Foster a global network of like-minded organizations and communities.